Art Collecting
My favorite source of artistic expression is born from art collecting. I collected and studied art most of my adult life. A few years back, I began seeking a focus for my collecting efforts. In other words? I wanted a "meaning to the madness". Searched intently for an emphasis - that I would enjoy and I could reasonably achieve from my financial resources.
A special joy that was born from my collecting efforts? Teaching close friends how to duplicate my own success buying affordable fine art from web-based resources. Invariably such a project would arise after a friend came over for dinner, asked about some particular artworks in my home - and it would follow with intense interest as I described how I cost-effectively acquired almost every piece in the collection. I would then walk them through my home: using various pieces in my collection to teach the tricks of the trade about buying art smartly.
Then - it hit me like a ton of bricks: realized - my new collecting focus could be a collection of artworks that were ideally suited to serve to teach others about art collecting: where each piece provided at least one unique lesson regarding the opportunities and pitfalls associated with buying original artworks from the internet. I soon envisioned a complete collection of lessons - augmented by a detailed, supporting website new art collectors could garner a lifetime of lessons - without sales pressure, shame from lack of knowledge or prejudice opinions.
Hence, the concept for "" was born!
The Art Burglar Collection
My collection and its correlated website is designed to teach beginners how to affordably acquire world-class art. I love teaching beginners: just my nature. Additionally, having been raised in Kentucky in more agrarian surroundings - I started off confused and intimidated by the art world - I hope to help others just starting to navigate that initial barrier.
We live in unique times when it comes to art & collecting: in today's world of on-line auctions, web galleries & immediate world-wide access? A person no longer has to live in New York City, etc. in order to assemble a first-class collection of art on a budget. You can reside in the sort of town where I grew up - Owensboro, KY...and amass a breathtaking array of works.
Thus, every piece in my collection teaches at least one unique lesson about affordable art collecting. Most pieces demonstrate two or three such insights.
There's a little bit of everything included. On a really tight budget? Got that covered. Dream of chasing an undiscovered masterpiece? This site shows you how. It also reveals many of the pitfalls relating to on-line collecting - including examples of the ten most common fakes, forgeries, scam artists - and how to avoid them. It includes important lessons regarding framing, art restoration - even art shipping...and how to navigate all these aspects successfully.
Future Plans: Art Collecting
The present version of the Art Burglar collection includes 268 works of art - each is designed to teach a beginning collector about how to successfully navigate the on-line collecting odyssey. It also includes a wide range of styles - my goal is for each collector to discover at least a handful of works they would love to duplicate in their own journey.
I have four important remaining projects to bring this dream to life.

First, is the creation of an associated website that uses the collection to teach all the lessons. I've started it off-one but my free time is presently limited. Realistically, I'll make significant headway on the website in 2018 - perhaps publishing the first version in 2019.
Second, I want to add more "heavyweight" artists and works to the collection. I hope to have the budget to afford those acquisitions after the sale of my newest enterprise; perhaps 2019/2020.
Third, I want to finish creating more pieces of my own: almost every skilled collector develops a sense of good art. A great way to expand your collection is a DIY approach. I have no trained skill - but I'm having a blast designing future pieces to be included in my collection.
Finally, I will want to find a long term home for the complete collection. Again, I'm hoping my entrepreneurial efforts will help fund this project. I hope to one day donate the collection, the associated website, a chunk of cash to support exhibition & install plus perhaps ownership from one of my property investments to help defray long term costs.
If none of this ever comes to fruition?
I've had a blast learning about art, enjoying its beauty in my home and sharing what I already have with dear friends.
Time will tell about all the rest.
A Few Favorites from my ArtBurglar Collection:
Rayvon Reynolds Artworks
