My next form of artistic expression is "cosplay". Ever noticed those bizarre geeky folks wearing comic book super hero costumes at events like DRAGONCON around Atlanta?
I'm one of them - big time.
Cosplay is a favorite pastime - both in terms of painstakingly creating new outfits by hand - and adorning my creations at various events. The greatest challenge about a passion for costuming? “Storage” - as many of the associated pieces & parts are fragile and bulky. If you’ve never explored costuming as a part of your social fun? I think you’re missing out: it tests your creativity & it tends to manifest alternative attitudes & persona’s that we all quietly harbor. Cosplayers come from every walk of life and are some of the kindest and coolest humans I've ever encountered.
Including a few examples of me wearing some of my creations here. Steampunk is probably favorite genre because there’s nearly unlimited possibilities for expression. My most regular Super Hero character costumes are Red Sonja, Silk Spectre, Harley Quinn, Spider Woman, Storm (X-Men) and a Female version of Thor. Amongst gaming characters - I've enjoyed doing Jade from Mortal Kombat and several from League of Legends. In the horror realm I do versions from Queen of the Damned and Vampirella. Anime is probably the most fun since the characters and cosplay possibilities are almost endless. Finally, there’s also my typical celebrity knock-off - Marilyn Monroe.
I'm forever envisioning, designing and creating new costumes for cosplay fun. I hope I always will. There's no high higher purpose or long term plans for my cosplay fun - just immediate fun & laughter.